Old School

I added an old school body building exercise in this work out.  It is still a some what functional movement.

WOD: AMRAP 20 min

5 Reps Bent-over row (body weight)
10 Reps Over head squat (95#)
15 Reps clapping push-up
20 Reps Russian twist (18# med ball) 
Rounds complete: 6 + 5 rows, 8 OHS. Finished number 7 in 21:58

Bench press

The WOD:
Row 500M
30 Reps Body weight Bench press (205#)
Row 1000M
20 Reps (BW) Bench
Row 2000M
10 Reps (BW) Bench
Time: 29:09

Filthy 50

The Filthy 50

50 Box Jumps (20 inch)
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettle Bell Swings (35#)
50 Steps walking lunge
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (45#)
50 Back Extent ions
50 Wall Balls (20# 10ft)
50 Burpees 
50 Double unders

Ready Go
Time: 30:41

Easy Day

The WOD: 5 rounds

10 Over head squats (95#)
10 Sumo Dead lift (95#)
Time: 7:56

Co-worker work out

This one was designed by one of my comrades.  After all was said and done I was a bit gassed.

The WOD: 4 rounds 

25 Wall Balls (18# that's all I have to work with)
25 Plyo Push-ups
25 Bosu Ball sit-ups ( I know they are  gay)
25 burpees
Time: 26:23


This one folded me like a lawn chair

WOD: 5 rounds
5L/5R Turkish get ups (24Kg)
15 Ring dips
20 Plyo Push-ups
25 Double unders
Time: 34:50

The 300

The WOD 300

25 Pull-ups
50 Dead lift (135#)
50 Push-ups
50 Box Jumps 24 in
50 Floor wipers (135#)
50R/50L single arm dumbbell clean press (35#)
25 Pull-ups
Time: 26:57


The Work Out
Complete for time
50 Pull-ups
Run 400M 
21 reps Thruster (95#)
Run 800M
21 reps Thruster
Run 400M
50 Pull-ups
Time: 20:14

Home Gym

Home Gym  CrossFit Winchester WOD 

4 Rounds
25 Box Jumps 20 in
25 Wall Ball 18# 10 ft
25 Floor wipers 135# Barbell
25 Kettle bell Sumo dead lift 32Kg
Time: 25:51

Main Page WOD


4 Rounds

100 ft Weighted walking lunge 30# dumb bell in each hand
30 reps 24 in Box jumps
20 reps Weighted Pull-ups 30#
Time 29:59


Wow I was super slow on this one.  No excuses just being damn lazy. 

The WOD: Diane

Complete reps 21, 15, 09
225# Dead lift
Handstand Push-ups
Time 11:49 

Round Two
Row 4 each 500 meter intervals
1st 500 1:34
2nd 500 1:46
3rd 500 1:46
4th 500 1:47 

Fran (May 14)

Complete reps for time
21, 15, 09
Time: New PR 4:22

5 KM

I haven't done this in quite some time 

The WOD 
Run 5 KM
Time 25:14  

Shaky internet

The Internet has been down for the past three days so here is the work I have done 

Sunday WOD

5L/5R Turkish get ups (24Kg)
12 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
20 sit-ups
Time 27:06

Monday Rest

Tuesday WOD

25 Kettle bell swings (32Kg)
25 Back extensions
25 Knees to elbows 
Time 32:04

The Last Ascent

The WOD: Complete for time:

5, 10, 15 reps 

Back Squat (225#)
Box Jumps
Time: 6:28

Back to the cards

The WOD 4 of diamonds

3 rounds
40 reps Push press 65/45#
30 reps Squats
20 reps Ring Dips
10 reps Double unders
Time 11:29

Helen + 1

Helen with an extra round for an even mile.

WOD 3 + 1  rounds

400 Meter run (my route was about 450M)
21 KB swings (24kg)
12 Pull-ups

Time @ 3 rounds 13:58 @ 4 rounds 19:27 all conducted @ 6,000 ft elevation, yes I have been beating that fact to death because every workout I have done has almost sent me in to rabido and my times' suck.

Still at altitude

This one had me a bit winded.

The WOD: Complete reps for time

50, 40, 30, 20, 10.

Double unders
Time: 14:40

Six Thousand Feet

Training at altitude sucks.
This is something I threw together to ease in to it at 6,000 ft

5 rounds
10 Over head squats (95#)
10 Each arm Kettle bell one arm snatch (35#)
10 Burpees
Time: a horrible 15:00 flat and I almost had a visit from pukie

Working with the clients

I did this Met-con yesterday with the clients of CrossFit Winchester to show them this stuff never gets easy.  and yes even the the instructor feels the same pain.

WOD AMRAP 20 min

15 reps thruster (65#)
21 Jumping pull-ups

Reps 9 + 15 thrusters (Old PR 8 rounds)