Rest, much needed (Saturday)

Well after makeing the rounds to all of the halloween parties.   This is a much needed rest day.


Happy Halloween (Friday)

Halloween, candy,candy,candy. 

The WOD:  As many rounds as possible in 20 Min
5 HSPU (Hand Stand Push-ups)
10R/10L  Weighted lunges (30# dumb bells men 20# women)
20 Thrusters  (65# men, 45# women) 
Ready Go
My rounds 5 + 5 HSPU, 10/10 Lunge, 16 Thrusters
Cheri's rounds 5 + 5 HSPU, 5/5 Lunge.
We both completed the 6th round. 

5K Row (Thursday)

What a way to break in my new rower. 

The WOD: Complete for time
Row 2500 meters
50 Pull-ups
Row 1500 meters
30 Pull-ups
Row 1000
20 Pull-ups
Ready Go

My time 26:12

Madness (Wednesday)

Turkish Get Ups, Over Head Squats, Med Ball cleans, and some Burpees.  I think we hit the whole body.  This is crazy.  Get at it.

The WOD: 5 rounds for time
5R side/5L side Turkish get ups (35#), Ref Another Grinder  October WOD for an example.
10 Over head squats (95# scale as necessary)
15 Burpees
20 Medicine ball cleans (20# ball)
Ready Go
My time: 33:41 

Day 4 Rest Day (Tuesday)

The weather has been terrible.  I wanted to do some riding. To cold and rainy, time to rent some movies and eat pizza.  Zone diet. What's that?

Dead Lift (Monday)

Some Dead Lift tutorial 

The WOD: Complete rounds for time
21, 15, 9

Dead Lift 225# (Scale weight as necessary)
Box Jumps
Wall Ball 20# ball 10 ft mark
Ready Go
My time: 8:57

The Pull-up WOD (Saturday)

This is a good one for all of those that say Kipping is cheating.  The Kipping pull-ups and strict pull-ups are two different exercises like the bench press is to the push-up.  Both are excellent exercises one is more of an isolation the other incorporates more mussel groups.  

So lets work them all.
The WOD: 10 rounds for time
3 Weighted Pull-ups (45# men, 25# women)
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-ups
Ready Go
My time 27:59 Its not a 14 min time like the video.  I was just happy to compete as rx'd.  
Cheri's time 34:11 I am impressed 

Front Squats (Saturday)

This is one of my lest favorite exercises.  That means I have to get busy with them.  Work that flexibility.

The WOD: 5 rounds for time 
10 Front squats  (Men 75#, Women 55#) I know it's light  
15 Ring dips
20 Sit-ups
Ready Go
Times: She beat me.  My time 9:00 Cheri's time 8:24

Rest/Skills day (Friday)

Good time to work on the basics.  Low intensity work on perfect form.

Ready go

Fran (Thursday)

I haven't done this WOD sense my cert. That was back in August.  I am scared

I don't beliive I will post a Sub 3 min time.  My time to beat 5:01

The WOD. Complete for time
21, 15, 9 Rep's
Ready go
My time: Oh yea beat the old PR of 5:01.  New PR 4:52.   I am  smoked.  

Virtual Shovel (Wednesday)

What will they think of next.  This is about as functional as it can get.  Below is a clip from CrossFit Hardcore on how this WOD looks. 

The WOD:  Complete the following reps for time
30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

Virtual Shovel (45# plate for men & 25# plate for women You must clear a 24 in barrier  Back and forth = 1 rep)
Ready Go
My time: 13:59   This was not a pleasant WOD.  Oh my aching back.

Welcome Home (Tuesday)

Hells yea what a way to break in my new stuff, by doing a Filthy Fifty 

The WOD: For time
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 35#
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45# (Forgot about them)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20# ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Ready Go
My Time: 26:01 I am such a BOOT I missed the push press DAMN IT. I should have written it down.

Travel Day (Monday)

Leaving on a jet lane don't know when I'll be back again. Going back to the house no work out today.  I will be stuffed on a plane for 18 hours.  

5 KM (Sunday)

Last day in this wonderful place.  I think one last jog on the cobble stone is in order.

The WOD: Run 5K
Ready GO
My time: 28:32 thats bad, but i didn't quit like a boot quitter that I know.

HSPU (Saturday)

Handstand Push-ups (HSPU) I haven't done these in a while.  I am going to include some examples on the different ways to do this frustrating exercise.  Use what ever method you can safely accomplish.  The more you work them in warm ups or cool downs the better you will get at them.

The WOD: Complete for time:
15 HSPU 
1 L Pull-up
3 L Pull-ups
5 L Pull-ups
7 L Pull-ups
9 L Pull-ups
11 L Pull-ups
13 L Pull-ups
15 L Pull-ups           
Ready GO  
My Time:  13:51

Rest / Make Up Day (Friday)

I will be using this day as a makeup day.  It was a busy day yesterday so I have to utilize this as a make up.

The WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 min
10 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (SDHP) 95 # Men 65# Women
15 Squats
20 Burpee (what was I thinking) Again
Ready GO
I got 6 complete rounds + 10 SDHP, 15 Squats, 10 Burpee.  My Legs are Jello.

Disturbing (Thursday)

This WOD is disturbing because I created it at the restaurant after dinner while drinking a pint of Guinness. Here it is.

The WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 min
10 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (SDHP) 95 # Men 65# Women
15 Squats
20 Burpee (what was I thinking)
Ready GO

Cheri's WOD (Wednesday)

My Lovely wife sent me this work out.  Sounds like a challenge.  I have to say it not going to be fun so here I go. 

The WOD: 3 Rounds for time
50 Push-ups
50 Dips
50 KB Swings  Cheri 25# Me 35#
50 Thruster Cheri 35# Me 45#
Ready GO
Cheri's time: 33:00
My time: We shall see, Wow this WOD SUCKS thanks Cheri. Time 31:32 

Working the Double Under (Tuesday)

The Double Under is a great way to work on speed.  I have a clip from Buddy Lee that shows how to properly do this exercise.  I like most other people suck at this.  So that being said it has rotated out of the hopper.  Time to get busy. 

The WOD: 4 rounds for time.
25 Double Under
25 Push-ups
25 Squats
25 Knees to elbows (K2E)
Ready GO
My Time : 17:48 

Rest Day (Monday)

Oh yea rest day.  Getting close to getting back to the house.  Maybe I will have a few more weeks to get some ridding in.

Another Grinder (Sunday)

This is going to be a grinder.   I don't know why I punish myself like this 
The WOD: 5 Rounds for time (scale the weight as needed)
10 Turkish Get Ups  35#  ( 5 left side 5 right side)
10 Over Head Squats  95 #
10 Plyo Push ups
10 Burpee (just for fun)
Ready GO
My Time: A sorry 27:48
This is a good example of the Turkish get up.

Oh my 401K (Saturday)

Wow this pic is depressing. Not much we can do about it. Got to keep working.

The WOD: 4 Rounds for time
25 Kettle bell swings  45#
25 Push-ups
25 Mountain climbers (4 count)
25 Pull-ups 
25 Squats
Ready GO
My Time: 44:43 WOW that time is just as bad as the DOW.  I did do 5 rounds to pay penitence for being out so late as you may see what time I posted this, yes that is the local time.  The Guiness was so good when it hits the lips.

Dumbbell Work (Friday)

The rest day was nice now its time to get back to work.  This is a good WOD to get things started.

The WOD: For time.  Suggested DB weight 45# Men and 25# Women 
21 One arm snatch ( 21 right side and 21 left side)
42 Pull-ups
15 One arm snatch 
30 Pull-ups
9  One arm Snatch
18 Pull-ups

Ready Go
My Time 18:18 I was using 55# or 25 KG DB and I did 28 Pull-ups on the last set to make it an even 100.

R&R (Thursday)

Rest Day.

 I hit it 4 days in a row.  Punishment for missing a day.  So this rest day is very welcome.
Ready GO
My Time:  All Day

10K (Wednesday)

ts that time again.  This place is very conducive to running.  And I have been such a food eater.

The WOD: 10 K run or you can run 6.2 miles 

Ready GO
My Time: 29:09 at the split, and 57:37 at the end.

Push (Tuesday)

I pulled this WOD from my buddy Rex blog The Log Book CIRCA July.  I modified it a bit because some of us don't have a rower or the rower is substandard like the one below, but treadmills are every were.

The WOD: Complete 
For Time
30 cal row or run
5 DB push press (50% BW)
25 cal row or run
10 DB push press (50% BW)
20 cal row or run
15 DB push press (50% BW)
15 cal row or run
20 DB push press (50% BW)
10 cal row or run
25 DB push press (50% BW)
5 cal row or run
30 DB push press (50% BW)

Ready GO
My Time:  18:01  I have a rower, but the closest  dumb bell they have to my 50% is 20 KG per so I am light by about 5 # total. So you can add about 1 min to my time.

What the Fran (Monday)

This should  be a good one.  Fran with a little extra.

The WOD: For time 

Trusters  95# Men 65# Women scale weight as needed
Reps 9-15-21-15-9

Ready GO
My Time: 15:10 weak 

Do Over (Sunday)

No this not a repeat I will be using this rest day to make up for yesterdays WOD.  I am such a slacker 

Oh my favorite exercise the Dead Lift. Lets throw some push-ups in just for fun.

Here is some instruction on the proper Dead Lift.

The WOD: 10 yes TEN rounds for time
15 reps of 135# Dead Lift ( scale the weight as needed)
15 reps of Push-up

Lets see how its done.
Ready GO
My Time: 12:39.  That 135# got real heavy really fast. 

Dead Lift (Saturday)

Oh my favorite exercise the Dead Lift.  Lets throw some push-ups in just for fun.

Here is some instruction on the proper Dead Lift.

The WOD:  10 yes TEN rounds for time
15 reps of 135# Dead Lift ( scale the weight as needed)
15  reps of Push-up

Lets see how its done.
Ready GO
My Time:  00:00 I will have to do this WOD on Sunday I Suck.

Coming together (Friday)

The gym is coming together. The internet and a credit card can be a dangerous thing. Cant wait to get home to put it all together.

The WOD: Complete for time
20 Push-up                  1 Sit-up
19  Push-up                  2 Sit-up
18 Push-up                   3 Sit-up
17 Push-up                   4 Sit-up
16 Push-up                   5 Sit-up
15 Push-up                   6 Sit-up
14 Push-up                   7 Sit-up
13 Push-up                   8 Sit-up
12 Push-up                   9 Sit-up
11 Push-up                  10 Sit-up
10 Push-up                 11 Sit-up
 9 Push-up                  12 Sit-up
 8 Push-up                  13 Sit-up
 7 Push-up                  14 Sit-up
 6 Push-up                  15 Sit-up
 5 Push-up                  16 Sit-up
 4 Push-up                  17 Sit-up
 3 Push-up                  18 Sit-up
 2 Push-up                  19 Sit-up
 1 Push-up                  20 Sit-up

Wow thats a lot of typing.
Ready GO
My Time: 14:34


Row your boat (Thursday)

I Know its not a C2 machine but it will do

My joints are still beat up from the 8.5 mile run.  Another rest day would be nice and unacceptable.  So this WOD should do the trick.

The WOD: Complete for time
Row 1000 Meters
25 K2E (knees to elbows)
Row 750 Meters
25 Pull-ups
Row 500 Meters
25 K2E
Row 250 Meters
25 Pull-ups

Ready GO
My Time: A Sorry 26:37.  Could not kick the intensity were it should have been.  It was 06:30 in the AM.
Oh well I should be able to crush that time the next time this WOD comes up.