Working the Core (Sunday)

Mixing it up.

The WOD: Reps 21, 15, 09

Over Head Squat (95#)
Ring Pull-ups
Thruster (95#)
1 Arm Snatch 21 reps left, 21 reps right (35#)
Ready Go
Time:  23:57 I thought it would never end.

Travel Day (Saturday)

Going Back Home.
No Work.

The Day After (Friday)

Work my turkey belly.

The WOD: 5 RND's
10 Push Press (115/55#)
10 Burpee
10/10 Weighted Lunge (35/20#)
Ready Go
My time: 13:18
Cheri: 13:59

Cool Down: Row 10 Min

Traveling Again (Wednesday)

Going  to the in laws for Thanks Giving.  Here is a little pre-turkey day workout.

The WOD: 4 rounds for time
25 Knees to elbows
25 Box Jumps
25 Squats
Ready Go
Steve: 16:15

Flip flop (Thursday or Wednesday??)

I am going to post the work out I actually did yesterday and do yesterdays post today.  I worked out with my wife at Boyce martial arts.  He is running the local crossfit affiliate.  So this is what the instructor Paul had on the board.

The WOD: Eight 1 Minute rounds clock dose not stop.

Sumo Dead lift High Pull (65/55#)
Med ball sit-ups (8#)
Ring pull-ups
Box Jumps

Ready Go
My Rep count.
RND 1: 275 M/21/18/12/15
RND2: 169 M/20/22/9/15
RND3: 205 M/18/22/9/15
RND4: 149 M/16/22/10/16
RND5: 136 M/13/23/10/12
RND6: 161 M/16/21/8/11
RND7: 162 M/14/22/9/15
RND8: 170 M 13/25/11/15

I am back (Monday)

Back at my gym.  

The WOD: 5 rounds for time

10 Sumo Dead lift High Pull (SDHP)  95/65#
200 Meter row or Sprint for those who dont have a rower.
10 Overhead squats 95/65#  
10 burpees

Ready GO
My time: 16:59

My Legs (Sunday)

My Legs are hurting.   I am going to take a rest day to watch some football, and start fresh on Monday.

Still Perfect.

Lunge's (Saturday)

My legs are going to hurt tomorrow.

The WOD: complete for time

400 Meters walking lunge.
Ready Go
Steve: 12:47
Dave: 13:29
Bill: ??:?? completed

Met-Con (Friday)

Oh yea Metabolic conditioning.  

This chart explains the three zones your body responds to.

The first Zone is in blue is showing the average person can out put at 100% capacity for only about 10 seconds before they would need to rest.  The second in red is the the place we want to be to get the best results from training.  Glyolytic, 75% capacity for about 2 Min.  The final line in Green is the Oxidative or aerobic zone.  This is the zone we are trying not to slip in to during the WODs.  (exception would be the 5k run). 

The WOD:  AMRAP in 20 Min
25 Box jumps 
25 Jumping Pull-ups
15 Ring dips
50 meter sprint
Steve: 5 rounds complete + 20 box jumps (finished the 6th round)
Will: 4 rounds complete + box jumps, sprint, jumping pull-ups, 10 dips ( finshed 5th round)
Dave 4 rounds complete ( finished 5th round)
Bill 3 rounds complete + box jumps + jumping pull-ups (finished 4th round)

Axe Men (Wednesday)

Axe Men.  We had to chop down a large tree to recover an item that got hung up in the tree top.  This is an awesome exercise.  It took three of us a little more than a half hour to get the thing down.  After that this was the WOD
5 Rounds for time
10 Kettle bell swings (50/35#)
10 Burpee pull-ups
10 Plyo push-ups
My Time: 13:10
Dave: 14:33
Bill: 19:12

Back in the mix (Tuesday)

Ok,  time to get back to the programing.  One of my favorites Turkish Get ups.

The WOD AMRAP in 20 Min.
10/ 5 right 5 left Turkish get ups  (35/25#) 
Walking Lunge (25 Meters)
15 Ring Push-ups
10 Vertical Jumps
My rounds: 5 complete + 7 Turkish get ups with 40# I finished the 6th round
Bill 3 rounds  complete + ???? He finished the 4th round
Dave 3 rounds complete + ???? He finished the 4th round

Pause Again

I will be out of comms  for a few days once again.  The work will still continue.  I should be back on the net CIRCA Monday.

Oh my aching legs (Wednesday)

My legs are extremely sore from the Chelsea WOD.  I believe a 5 K at a moderate pace should work that out.

The WOD: 
5KM Run
Ready Go

Happy Veterans Day (Tuesday)

Its Veterans day.  One of the hero workouts is in order

The WOD: JT.  Complete Reps for time.
21, 15, 9
Hand Stand Push-ups
Ring Dips
Ready Go
My time: 11:00
Brett: 15:00

Chelsea-ish (Monday)

I just remembered how much I dislike this one.  I had some people new to crossfit conduct this as we all know every thing is scalable, so they did the Chelsea workout but just for 20 min.  I pushed thru the entire 30 min and  threw up a little in my mouth.  
The WOD: Complete each round in one minute for 30 Min
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Ready Go
My rounds 30 complete
Brett 21 rounds 

Found the Net (Sunday)

Ok I have found an Internet connection and a gym. what a bonus. 

The WOD: 5 rounds for time
10 Sumo Dead Lift (SDHP) 95#
15 Burpee pull-ups
20 Squats
Ready Go
My time: 15:11
Brett:  15:33 (65# SDHP)



I am going to have take a break from posting the WODs due to a requirement that will have me unable to access the Internet.  This will be temporary.   

Two a day (Friday)

Well I was such a slacker.  I will do yesterdays workout this morning, and another WOD some time in the PM.

21 - 15- 9 reps for time
225# Dead lift 
Hand Stand Push-ups
Ready Go
My time: 6:32
ALT WOD Cheri had to be different
OHS 10# bar (New exercise for her)
Box jumps
Time 6:03

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 min
Row 250 meters
15 Box Jumps
20 Kettle bell swings 45/25# 
Ready Go 
Rounds Complete: 3 + 250 row, 5 box jumps
4 rounds complete in 11:33


Queen of Harts (Thursday)

I got my lovely wife some flowers, this is the vase she found for them. This made me laugh so I had to post it. She has become some what of a fitness nut, it's great.

The WOD: The Queen of harts out of the hopper deck. Diane
Reps for time
21, 15, 9
225# Dead lift
Hand stand push-ups
Ready Go
My time: MISS I am such a slacker I will have to a two a day tomorrow 

Rest Day (Wednesday)

Need I say more

Election Day (Tuesday)

Get out and do your duty. VOTE

After you do that then knock out the WOD I pulled from the main page.
Ten rounds for time 
12 Burpees
12 Pull-ups
Ready Go
My time: 17:15 

The Hopper (Monday)

Got my hopper deck in so lets see what pops out.

Oh and there it is.

The WOD: 3 Rounds for time
40 Push press (65# men 45# women)
30 Squats
20 Ring dips
10 Double unders 
Ready Go
My time: 11:23
Cheri: 15:50
I added a chipper 20 min row:  5024 meters.  I almost melted.

Helen + 1 (Sunday)

I like round numbers so adding the extra round to Helen will put us at an even 1 mile run.  I hope I don't regret it.

The WOD 4 rounds for time:
400 meter run
21 Kettle bell swings (50# men 35# women)
12 Pull-ups
Ready Go
My time: 14:26 @ 4  and 10:40 @ three rounds.  
Cheri time 21:29