Rest Day (Wednesday)

Today is a rest day.  

Easy on paper (Tuesday)

Oh yea let make this an easy day NOT.

Example of the proper squat.

The WOD: 4 rounds for time

Run 400 meters.
50 Squats.

Ready GO.
My Time: 14:20

Mix it up (Monday)

I put this together over dinner.  I know I am sick thinking up WODs over dinner.  Well here it is.

The WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 Min

5 Burpee.
10 Pull-ups.
15  K2E (Knees to elbows) .
20 Plyo Push-ups.

Ready GO
6 Rounds + 5 burpee, 10 pull-ups, 10 K2E.
Finished 7 rounds in 20:52

Long Run (Sunday)

Some urban Ninjas. 

The WOD:

Run 8 Miles.  Yes that is 12.8 K.  Post times

Ready GO 
My Times:  Next time I will calibrate my pedometer.  I have ran this 8 mile route a few times, and the end point is always the same.  Except for today it was .5 miles farther so I have two time to post an 8 mile and 8.5 mile time.  

8 mile time 1:03:02/  Split  31:22 first half and 31:40 on the second half.

8.5 mile time 1:08:52

Relax (Saturday)

My favorite day rest day.
Ready Relax !!

Level II (Friday)

My good friend Rex got his level 2 cert. Congrats Rex your still a BOOT.

The WOD:  5 rounds for time

50 feet Over head dumb bell walking lunge (25 % body weight)
21 Burpee

Ready GO
My Time: 14:37

What about Abs (Thursday)

What about abs.  This is a good clip that covers that.


The WOD:  For time.

100 OHS (Over Head Squats)  
RX weight    95# Men
                         65# Women

Ready GO
My Time: 15:00

Don't Forget the fundamentals.

The torso’s angle of inclination above

horizontal. As a squat matures this angle

increases. The squat becomes more upright as

the athlete’s strength and neural “connectedness”

to the posterior chain increase. Lower angles of

inclination are created in an attempt to cantilever

away from a weak posterior chain and onto the

quadriceps. While technically correct, the lower

angle is mechanically disadvantaged.

90-A: This is the angle of rotation of the arms,

at the shoulders, past overhead. The lower A is,

the greater the rotation, 90-A, required of the

shoulders to keep the bar in the frontal plane.

The larger 90-A is, the wider the grip required to

allow the shoulders to rotate to keep the bar in

the frontal plane. Ultimately the connectedness/

strength of the posterior chain will determine

the width of the grip, elevation of the squat, and

degree of rotation of the shoulders. Maturity and

quality of the squat is a determinant of all of the

mechanics of the overhead squat.

g: These lines mark horizontal

f: This line defines the frontal plane. It divides the

athlete front half from back half. In the squat (as

with most weightlifting movements) the athlete

endeavors to keep the load in this plane. If a load

deviates substantially from this plane the athlete

has to bring the load back, which in turn pulls the

athlete off balance.

b: This is roughly the position for a back or front


a: This is the position for the overhead squat.

With perfect stability, movement, and alignment

this position does not increase the moment

about the hip or back. The difference in an

athlete’s strength when squatting here, overhead,

as opposed to position b, the back or front squat,

is a perfect measure of instability in the torso,

legs, or shoulders, and improper line of action in

the shoulders, hips, or legs, and weak or flawed

posture in the squat.

c: This position has the load behind the frontal

plane. It can actually decrease the moment on the

hip and back. As long as balance is maintained the

position is strong.

d: This is a fatal flaw in the overhead squat. Even

slight movement in this direction greatly increases

the moment in the hip and back. Moving in this

direction with even a small load can collapse the

squat like a house of cards.

Here we go (Wednesday)

I grabbed this WOD from the CrossFit Web Site.   Bring the Pain.

The WOD:  as prescribed in the clip.  Do as many rounds as possible in 20 min.

65# Thruster  15 reps
Jumping pull-ups  21 reps

Ready GO
8 rounds and I was crushed 

Rest Day (Tuesday)

Rest day again I believe I am going to do 20 MIN cardio on the eliptical because I was late night eating Magnum ice cream bars and drinking cold beers once again.  Thanks Tony.   
Ready EAT

No time (Monday)

I will have a full day Monday, and I have been eating like a professional power eater. So a 5K early AM is in order to burn some calories.

The WOD: Run 5K or 5,000 meters, or 3.1 miles 
Post times
Ready GO

Time: 26:00/ 12:52 @the split 2nd half was a bit slower @ 13:08 all up hill.

Grace (Sunday)

The Clean and Jerk is a complex movement.  I have found an awesome clip from Crossfit Boston on how to perform this exercise. 

The WOD: For time

135# Clean Jerk, 30 Reps.

Scale the weight from a broom stick up to the RX load of 135#. Technique is very important keep the weight manageable. But do not sacrifice intensity.

Ready GO
Time: 15:15.  I am such a Boot.  I lost count at the end so I am almost positive I did an extra Rep.  Oh well a new PR will be easy for next time.

Back at it (Saturday)

Enough rest.  Time to get back in the mix.

The WOD:  5 rounds for time

10 Kettle bell swings (25% of body weight)

20 Windshield washers (Lay on the ground if you can't hang from the bar)

30 Squats 

40 Sit-Ups

Ready Go

Time: 21:04 I had to work around other people in the hotel gym.

Example of a good kettle bell swing and the windshield washer


Rest Day (Friday)

This rest day is on time my entire body is aching.

Tabata (Thursday)

Ridding The Dragons Tail. 

The WOD: Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.
 the first 8 intervals are pull-ups,
 the second 8 are push-ups, 
 the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally,
 the last 8 intervals are squats. 

There is no rest between exercises.

Ready GO

My rep count:
Pull-ups: 74 The first 25 were normal I had do digress to jumping for the next 49. 

Push-ups: 100

Sit-ups: 118

Squats: 134

Ring Work (Wednesday)

This is a new work out for me, but I will not be felling the pain alone on this WOD one of my buddies said he would do this one with me, after we had a few cold beers.  I will give a report on our times upon completion.  

The WOD: for time
50 Pull-ups
50 Ring Dips
40 Pull-ups
40 Ring Dips
30 Pull-ups
30 Ring Dips
20 Pull-ups
20 Ring Dips
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips

Ready Go

Time: 21:40 This WOD sucks

The Bear (Tuesday)

The Bear is not for the light hearted. Below is a good example on how this workout is executed.

5 rounds

7 reps of the following sequence is 1 round.

Power clean

Front squat

Push press

Back squat

Push press

NO RESTING during the round. Keep weight manageable.

Rest as needed between rounds.

Post loads in comments.

Ready GO

Round 1: 75#

Round 2: 95#

Round 3: 115#

Round 4: 135#

Round 5: 135#

Take a Break (Monday)

Time to give it a rest. I am sure this is not going to help my times.

Speed Work (Sunday)

A little motivation watching Michael Johnson breaking a world record in Atlanta.  

The WOD:  
Sprint 400 Meters 4 times

Sprint 400 Meters Double the time it takes to complete the sprint for the rest time before starting the next 400.  

 Ready GO

Times: It was difficult to find a flat 400 M (1/4 mile) stretch.  I was able to find a 200M (1/8 mile).  So I had to sprint down and back 200M in the grass, this is what I am blaming for my slow times.  MUST GET FASTER.

1st 400 1:22
2nd 400 1:25
3rd 400 1:28
4th 400 1:30

Chelsea (Saturday)

Chelsea is a smoker that looks easy on paper, but get ready for the pain

The WOD:  Each Minute on the Minute for 30 minutes

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats

Ready Go

Pistols (Friday)

The Pistol is another exercise I really hate.  So time to work them in to a WOD.  Below is an example of the Pistol.  

The WOD 5 Rounds for time

10 Plyo Push-ups  5/5

15 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (SDHP) 95# men 65# women

20 Pistols 10/10

25 Knees to elbows (K2E)

Ready Go

Time: 27:35 Then pass out 

Zone this (rest day)

Oh yea rest day.  My two favorite foods pizza and cold beer.  As much as I would like to,  I cant get down with the Zone diet.  Oh well just have to push harder on Fridays WOD.  But for now I will enjoy.

Ready Eat

Triplet (Wednesday)

Lets work the big three over head presses.  The Press, Push press, and Push jerk.

The video below gives an example of the three different exercises.  Oh and you know I have to throw in some Burpees.  Have fun.  I will.  NOT.

THE WOD:  Complete for time.  Don't forget the weight is scalable.  If the load is to heavy go lighter.  If you think its to light go faster.

50 Burpee
21 reps 95#(Men) 65# (Women) Press
50 Burpee
21 reps 95#(Men) 65# (Women) Push Press
50 Burpee
21 reps 95#(Men) 65# (Women) Push jerk

Ready Go

Time:  20:40 I love some burpees NOT

Murph (Tuesday)

This is a fun gole to shoot for.  The clapping pull-up.  Yes thats my boy knocking those out like its cool

THE WOD:  Complete for time

1 mile run

100 pull-ups

200 push-ups

300 squats

1 mile run

Ready Go

Time: 54:56 That sucks. Oh well I guess I can only improve that time.

Back to Work (Monday)

Some of the boys putting in work.

I am going to work in the double under.  Jumping rope can be frustrating, but the only way to improve this skill is to work it. Time to go to work.

THE WOD: Complete for time

50 Double Under

50 Sit-ups

50 Double Under

50 Walking Lunge

50 Double Under

50 Push-ups

50 Double Under


50 Knees to elbows

50 Double Under

Ready Go

Had to add a modification to kick it up a notch

Times:  10:49 normal, 17:17 Modified

Rest and relax day

Rest day take some time off and have a cold beer.  You have earned it. 

 I on the other hand drank to many beers this week end so I did an 8 mile run today to burn those carbs. 

Time 1:10:28, Pace 8:46 Mile.  This was not very fun.

My Nimbuses

Yes it is time to work in the Over head Squat (OHS).  I hate this exercise like no other.  So that is why it is on todays WOD.  The only way to get good at something is to DO IT. So here we go.


 The torso’s angle of inclination above

horizontal. As a squat matures this angle

increases. The squat becomes more upright as

the athlete’s strength and neural “connectedness”

to the posterior chain increase. Lower angles of

inclination are created in an attempt to cantilever

away from a weak posterior chain and onto the

quadriceps. While technically correct, the lower

angle is mechanically disadvantaged.

90-A: This is the angle of rotation of the arms,

at the shoulders, past overhead. The lower A is,

the greater the rotation, 90-A, required of the

shoulders to keep the bar in the frontal plane.

The larger 90-A is, the wider the grip required to

allow the shoulders to rotate to keep the bar in

the frontal plane. Ultimately the connectedness/

strength of the posterior chain will determine

the width of the grip, elevation of the squat, and

degree of rotation of the shoulders. Maturity and

quality of the squat is a determinant of all of the

mechanics of the overhead squat.

g: These lines mark horizontal

f: This line defines the frontal plane. It divides the

athlete front half from back half. In the squat (as

with most weightlifting movements) the athlete

endeavors to keep the load in this plane. If a load

deviates substantially from this plane the athlete

has to bring the load back, which in turn pulls the

athlete off balance.

b: This is roughly the position for a back or front


a: This is the position for the overhead squat.

With perfect stability, movement, and alignment

this position does not increase the moment

about the hip or back. The difference in an

athlete’s strength when squatting here, overhead,

as opposed to position b, the back or front squat,

is a perfect measure of instability in the torso,

legs, or shoulders, and improper line of action in

the shoulders, hips, or legs, and weak or flawed

posture in the squat.

c: This position has the load behind the frontal

plane. It can actually decrease the moment on the

hip and back. As long as balance is maintained the

position is strong.

d: This is a fatal flaw in the overhead squat. Even

slight movement in this direction greatly increases

the moment in the hip and back. Moving in this

direction with even a small load can collapse the

squat like a house of cards.

THE WOD:  4 rounds for time 

10 OHS (Recommended weight for OHS 95# weight is scalable)

10 Burpee Pull-ups

10 Windshield washers

Yes I thought up this WOD at 04:00 AM.  Oh my lets see how this goes.

Ready GO

Time:  4 rounds 12:46 I did another round to bump up my intensity the total time for 5 rounds 16:21 at the prescribed weight.


The handstand push-up (HSPU) is a great strength building exercise .  It  is also very frustrating to a beginner.  I have a great video clip of the different variation of HSPU.  It covers from the most difficult on parallel bars to the assisted HSPU.  This WOD will help develop your HSPU.  Dont get frustrated If you have to go assisted keep working them.  

THE WOD:  Three rounds for time
Reps 21, 15, 9

Ring Dip

Ready GO

My time 9:31 new PR Old PR 13:26 wow 

Get Creative

I am going to have to get creative.  The gym facilities here are NOT conducive to CrossFit work outs. As you can see what am working with in the pic to the right.  But thats why this is a great fitness program you can create WOD's with limited facilities.  Functional Every Day Fitness.

THE WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 MIN.  Yes this type of WOD almost killed me three days ago.

5 Ring Pull-ups 

10 Squats

15 Push-ups

20 Walking lunge

Ready GO

My Rounds complete: 12

Wednesday Rest Day

Time to take a break from the WOD's.  I am going to take this time to get settled into my new digs, and eat some ice cream.  Make sure you utilize the rest days to give the body a chance to recover.  It will enable you to push harder on the WOD'S 

Tuesday 5K

We have been putting out.  So lets make this an easy day.

The WOD:

5K Run 

My time : 13:21 1st half, 13:03 2nd half, 26:24 total.
This is with jet lag from a transcontinentalflight.  Yes I know excuses, excuses. 

Post time in comments

Ready GO


I would like to give an example of the air squat.  This is one of the building blocks of great fitness.  If you develop a good squat as a building block you will have great success on the other more advanced exercises.  The squat is something that every person performs daily.  IE sitting in a chair.  Below is a good example of how to preform the air squat.

The WOD: complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00

15 Pull-ups  (Transition to the jumping pull-up if you are unable to do pull-ups.  Just ensure you elbows are fully extended in the down position and you chin is above the bar in the up position.)
30 Push-ups
45 Squats (GOOD FORM)

Ready GO

Rounds complete:  Steve:  5 RNDs + 15 pull-ups, 30 push-ups (This was horrible)
                            Cheri:  5 RNDs 

Yes that is me passed out on the floor