Happy Halloween (Friday)

Halloween, candy,candy,candy. 

The WOD:  As many rounds as possible in 20 Min
5 HSPU (Hand Stand Push-ups)
10R/10L  Weighted lunges (30# dumb bells men 20# women)
20 Thrusters  (65# men, 45# women) 
Ready Go
My rounds 5 + 5 HSPU, 10/10 Lunge, 16 Thrusters
Cheri's rounds 5 + 5 HSPU, 5/5 Lunge.
We both completed the 6th round. 


  1. Rocco, Z, and Clay are going to do it right now (0929hrs) Will report rounds when we return

  2. Sweet Jesus that sucked....

    I got to 11 but then was toast

