Oh yea Metabolic conditioning.
This chart explains the three zones your body responds to.
The first Zone is in blue is showing the average person can out put at 100% capacity for only about 10 seconds before they would need to rest. The second in red is the the place we want to be to get the best results from training. Glyolytic, 75% capacity for about 2 Min. The final line in Green is the Oxidative or aerobic zone. This is the zone we are trying not to slip in to during the WODs. (exception would be the 5k run).
The WOD: AMRAP in 20 Min
25 Box jumps
25 Jumping Pull-ups
15 Ring dips
50 meter sprint
Steve: 5 rounds complete + 20 box jumps (finished the 6th round)
Will: 4 rounds complete + box jumps, sprint, jumping pull-ups, 10 dips ( finshed 5th round)
Dave 4 rounds complete ( finished 5th round)
Bill 3 rounds complete + box jumps + jumping pull-ups (finished 4th round)