Still hurting

I am still hurting from yesterdays work out. Thanks buddy whom will remain nameless. Let me try to burn this soreness out.

WOD: AMRAP 20min

250M row
10 Box Jumps 24in
10 Wall ball 20# 10ft

Completed 8 + 250 row, 10 box jumps. Finished the wall balls for round 9 with no time left


  1. Fridays.....

    As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 min\

    2 Muscle ups
    4 Handstand Push ups
    8 kettlebell swings 70/55

    Note: 2 Muscle ups are equal to 6 pull ups and 6 dips

    I didnt have rings so I did the pull ups and dips... 22 rounds.
