Time @ 3 rounds 13:58 @ 4 rounds 19:27 all conducted @ 6,000 ft elevation, yes I have been beating that fact to death because every workout I have done has almost sent me in to rabido and my times' suck.
Training at altitude sucks. This is something I threw together to ease in to it at 6,000 ft
5 rounds 10 Over head squats (95#) 10 Each arm Kettle bell one arm snatch (35#) 10 Burpees Time: a horrible 15:00 flat and I almost had a visit from pukie
I did this Met-con yesterday with the clients of CrossFit Winchester to show them this stuff never gets easy. and yes even the the instructor feels the same pain.
(CrossFit Level 1 Instructor/Trainer)
I do all of the work outs that I post. I can't say I enjoy them all, but I do what every Work Out of the Day (WOD) comes out of my hopper.