Examples of the Turkish get ups and the Hang clean
The WOD: 5 rounds for time
Suggested weight for the turkish get ups 35# men and 25# for women
Suggested weight for the hang clean 95# men and 65# for women
Scale weight as needed to stay in that Glycolytic zone
10 Turkish get ups (5 reps right side, 5 reps left side)
10 Hang cleans
10 Ring push-up
10 burpees
Ready GO
I forgot my rings so we did plyometric push-up in place of the ring push-ups. It sucked I wont forget those again. Below is an example of the plyo push-up. We used a volley ball size ball in place of the box. Every time you push off of the ball/box is one rep.
Times: Steve 25:02 ( New PR the old PR 30:00 I crushed it)
Cheri 37:01 (Cheri had to scale the weight to 45# on the hang clean. this is the first time she has done this wod to completion she gets a gold star. Now she needs to get faster.)