Durka, Durka

The Turkish get up is one of my favorite exercises.  Because it gives me that welcome nauseous felling.  This is a promising grinder.   

Examples of the Turkish get ups and the Hang clean

The WOD:  5 rounds for time

Suggested weight for the turkish get ups 35# men and 25# for women 
Suggested weight for the hang clean 95# men and 65# for women

Scale weight as needed to stay in that Glycolytic zone

10 Turkish get ups (5 reps right side, 5 reps left side) 
10 Hang cleans
10 Ring push-up 
10 burpees

Ready GO

I forgot my rings so we did plyometric push-up in place of the ring push-ups.  It sucked I wont forget those again.  Below is an example of the plyo push-up.  We used a volley ball size ball in place of the box.  Every time you push off of the ball/box is one rep.

Times:  Steve 25:02 ( New PR the old PR 30:00 I crushed it)
            Cheri 37:01   (Cheri had to scale the weight to 45# on the hang clean.  this is the first time she has done this wod to completion she gets a gold star.  Now she needs to get faster.)

Rest Day

It is time to take a break.  Labor day weekend is upon us.  I am going to take this time to do some labor and button up some lose ends on my steadily evolving garage gym.   Then enjoy some sunshine and have a few beers on the lake.  

I Love Technology (NOT)

I apologize for the late postings.  The wonderful Comcast people have left me in the dark on my Internet connection for the past 4 days.  I believe the problem has been solved.  Now lets get to some fitness.


4 rounds for time

Box Jumps
Dumbbell press 50% of body weight
Knees to elbows  (K2E)

Ready GO

Times:  Steve 15:06 (new pr) old pr 16:12
               Cheri 18:44

We got to the gym 30 min after having a steak dinner with some friends.  This is something every one should try once you will get to taste that great meal a second time.  I will admit I cheated a little on the press by doing more of a push press on the last few reps.  

Rack on line

The pull-up rack is done.   The gym is coming together.  This is my bud Brandon the expert welder testing his work by  doing some  L pull-ups.   

The WOD:  Complete as many rounds in 20 min.
recommended weight for the Kettle Bell (KB) swings
55# men 35# women.  You can substitute dumb bells for KB.  Scale the weight as needed.

5 pull-ups
10 KB swings
15 squats
20 walking lunge 10 each leg


Rounds complete:  Steve/ 9
                            Cheri/ 7 + pull-ups, squats (she skipped the KB cheater head)

Busy Day

Busy Day, I am going to take today and put my functional fitness program to a functional test.  I will be completing my power rack, as well as building a plyo box, and L-sit PVC for my garage gym.  I am going to post a quick fast and in a hurry work out that even with a busy day I will be able to knock out.  So here it is 


100 Burpees for time 

You got to love this stuff

Times:  Steve 7:38
                Cheri 8:58

Try Something New

 Today is a rest day.   I am going to follow the 3 days on with 1 day off for rest cycle.
The rest day is also a good opportunity to work skills. Like  my favorite the Over Head Squat or the Snatch.  Any time you work on the Olympic lifts a piece of PVC pipe or even a broom handle in place of a weighted bar works best.   Try something new take some time to work your form.  It will pay huge dividends in the long run.   If you miss a work out this a good time to make it up, but I would just chalk it up as an extra rest day. 

The Sumo Dead lift High Pull


This is probably the most applicable exercise in the training regimen.  If executed correctly this type of movement can be utilized to move heavy weight safely in daily activity's.  So lets put it in a WOD and get busy with some real world training.

Recommended weight for the SDHP is 95# men, 65# women.  The weight is scalable keep it challenging with the goal to reach the recommended weight then work on faster times.

6 Rounds for time
Reps 10,8,6,6,8,10

Sumo Dead lift High Pull  (SDHP)  

Ring Push-ups

Clapping Push-ups

Vertical Jumps  (Jump as high as possible with the required reps on  both the right and left side.  Yes the total rep count is double) 


The Olympics have gotten me motivated.  So lets see how the experts get it done.

3 Rounds for time

Weight for the OHS (over head squat) is scalable to the individual, but keep it challenging.  
Suggested OHS weight.   95# men, 65# women
Medicine Ball   20# for all. 

21 OHS                                   
42 Medicine Ball Cleans                                       

15 OHS
30 Medicine Ball Cleans

18 Medicine Ball Cleans.  

The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch, and peerless in developing effective athletic movement. This functional gem trains for efficient transfer of energy from large to small body parts and the essence of sport movement. For this reason it is an indispensable tool for developing speed and power. The overhead squat also demands and develops functional flexibility, and similarly develops the squat by amplifying and cruelly punishing faults in squat posture, movement, and stability. The overhead squat is to midline control, stability, and balance what the clean and snatch are to power unsurpassed.

- From “The Overhead Squat”, CrossFit Journal Issue 36

Yes Rex I plagiarized you.

Ready GO

The First Day (Angie)

This is the first day of my Blog.

The WOD is Angie.

100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

For time.

 I have to say my wife smoked me on this.  For my defence she was doing jumping pull-ups.   Never the less I was mesuerd and found wanting.    

Her time 20:12
My time 22:43